

I started this site to share my Financial Independence journey – experiences, mistakes, successes, benefits, positives, and negatives (yes, there are some).

Overall it has been a great ride, and I wish you all the best if you are planning FI or are already on the FI journey.

FINER (Financially Independent Not Early Retired)

  • Salaried employee: I am a normal salaried employee who has achieved FI with no side hustles. It was a long journey made possible by frugality, sound investing… and most of all, patience.
  • Reached FI at 40: After starting late, I plunged whole-heartedly into the FI world and reached FI at 40. Having been there; I can safely say that it is totally worth the effort!
  • Still working: I am now planning my early retirement; but I have not quit my job …… yet!

You can email me at contactmrfiner@gmail.com or send a message:

My Journey

Below are the key highlights of My FI Journey:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Bonus Chapter

About This Blog

This blog is relatively new, and I am still working on the layout, look and feel, etc. If you do not like something, let me know! I plan to post as and when I have good ideas (which can be rare)!

This blog is not a way to make money. It does not have ads, pop-ups, banners, spam emails, marketing material, etc.

Other Details


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