A visual look at time…

Life in Weeks

In a digital age filled with fleeting moments and constant distractions, Tim Urban’s article Your Life in Weeks offers a thought-provoking perspective on the passage of time and the finite nature of life. Through a simple yet profound visualization – a grid of boxes representing each week of a person’s life – the author lays … Read more

How we spend our time; and How can FI help change it


Twitter is a big waste of time, but occasionally you find something interesting. I recently saw a tweet with a chart from Our World In Data. It shows who people spend their time with as they age. As you can imagine, who we spend time with changes a lot throughout our lives. The chart below … Read more

Go To Hell Fund: What is it and Why you need Go To Hell Money

Go To Hell fund

A friend recently told me about her college professor, an ex-marine. The #1 thing he wanted students to take away from his course was to have a ‘Go To Hell’ fund. But what exactly is a Go To Hell fund? It means having enough money saved that if you do not like your work situation, … Read more

In praise of Leisure (or Why doing nothing is hard, but important)


In a world that glorifies busyness and celebrates productivity, I recently embarked on a daring adventure – I did absolutely nothing for a week! As a consultant, I was always focused on productivity and getting things done. So ‘doing nothing’ was particularly hard. But the holidays offered a great time and excuse to try something … Read more

The cult of overwork – Why we still value it and How to overcome it

Cult of Overwork

Hard work vs. Overwork A management consultant might seem an unlikely candidate to address the issue of overwork, considering that, in my past, I routinely logged 80-90 hour workweeks. However, I have witnessed first-hand the harm overworking can cause. Don’t get me wrong – hard work is a good thing. But when it transforms into … Read more

Work Because You Want To (Quote)

A quote that captures the essence of Financial Independence (FI)! Some people (like the Finer household) keep working even after reaching FI.

A quote that captures the essence of Financial Independence (FI). It basically frames financial freedom, not as something that can be used to run away from work, but as something that allows you to choose the work you want to do. Some people (like the Finer household) keep working even after reaching FI. But the … Read more

The Right Retirement Question (Quote)

The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income.

This quote flips the traditional retirement question (At what age should I retire?) on its head. Instead of that, we should ask, ‘At what income can I retire?’. If someone has a frugal lifestyle, then it means their expenses are less. The smaller their expenses, the less money they will need to retire. Hence they … Read more

Retire Before Quitting (Quote)

There’s one thing I always wanted to do before I quit . . . . retire!

People typically retire and stop working. However, the advantage of Financial Independence (FI) is that you can retire from a traditional job and still work. The best part is that the work you do will be the work you want to do (and not the work you have to do). Some people choose early retirement … Read more