Podcast Episode #1

Podcast 1

For some Finer readers who like to listen to podcasts, one of my articles was featured in the Optimal Finance Daily podcast. Please click here to listen online or click here to listen on the Apple Podcast app or search for “Optimal Finance Daily” in your podcast app (Episode 1,860). For those of us who … Read more

How to start investing: Simple four-step investing for beginners guide

How to start investing

When I started investing, I made the common beginner’s mistake – I started by buying and selling stocks. Over the years, I have learned that buying stocks / mutual funds / real estate / etc., should be the last step in investing. Below, I have highlighted three steps to take before investing. Hopefully, it will … Read more

The power of having Enough and how to know when you have Enough


Joseph Heller – a famous novelist – was at a party hosted by a billionaire hedge fund manager. A guest informed Heller that the hedge fund manager had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular novel Catch 22. Heller responded, “Yes, but I have something he will … Read more

Go To Hell Fund: What is it and Why you need Go To Hell Money

Go To Hell fund

A friend recently told me about her college professor, an ex-marine. The #1 thing he wanted students to take away from his course was to have a ‘Go To Hell’ fund. But what exactly is a Go To Hell fund? It means having enough money saved that if you do not like your work situation, … Read more

Marshmallow test & Why delayed gratification is key for your finances

Delayed Gratification

Delayed gratification is the most important trait for financial success. To delay gratification is to resist the temptation of immediate pleasure for future benefit. Nature has wired us to seek instant rewards and not worry about tomorrow. Modern consumerism culture and advertising make it almost impossible to resist the temptation to spend money. However, numerous … Read more

Congratulations! You are a Time Billionaire – Make the most of it

Time Billionaire

Here is an interesting thought experiment – would you switch places with Warren Buffet? When I ask this question, people say – Yes. After all, who would not want to be a multi-billionaire? But in addition to being rich, you will also be 91 years old. When given this information, almost everyone changes their answer! … Read more

5 chimps theory and What it means for your personal finances

5 Chimp Theory

The 5 Chimps Theory states that you are an average of the five people you spend the most time with. Like it or not – you are greatly influenced by the 5 people closest to you. Most of your conversations are with these people. They affect your mood and drive your behavior. They influence your … Read more